
UNISTEEL handed over the project of the new plant in Nantong to Kaiser


Thanks to the trust of UNISTEEL, the project of the new plant in Nantong was handed over to Kaiser. Unisteel is a leading global manufacturer of precision engineering parts. Kaiser will use “Building Integrity” to deliver a satisfactory work for the owner.

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和政县| 鄂温| 临潭县| 循化| 长宁县| 万安县| 天津市| 探索| 资中县| 揭西县| 南投市| 邢台市| 金秀| 虎林市| 沧州市| 龙南县| 汉中市| 华容县| 尚志市| 鸡东县| 岫岩| 临泽县| 阿克陶县| 巴中市| 靖安县| 宜兴市| 乌拉特中旗| 胶州市| 泽库县| 张家界市| 广元市| 福州市| 台江县| 洛南县| 沙湾县| 桓仁| 林甸县| 英德市| 观塘区| 阳曲县| 涟水县|